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Thursday, March 10, 2011

9 Month checkup - how do I get you to eat more food?

Yeststerday Logan had his 9 month check up. He had been fussy and his nose was running so I was glad to have an appointment already made. I would't just take him in for a runny nose, but since we were going, I wanted to make sure he was not sick. (I do not goto the doctor much and so I guess I really do not take him much either. I grew up "sweating out" fever and we never went much as a kid.) ANYWAY, his pediatrician said that he was in the 5th percentile for weight. He is only 17 lbs 11 oz. I knew he was a lightweight, but thought he was for sure over 18 or 19lbs! He is a healthy baby, but he has always been skinny and has never really packed on any fat. Now he is too busy and is always into things, so he is burning even more calories! He is in the 50-75th percentile for height, so I am guessing he will be like me and his dad were when we were young.
The Dr. said to feed him more solids, and I have been trying to. I recently started him eating solids 2x's per day again. He used to be a great eater, eating a jar of food at a meal, but now he rarely eats 1/2 of it. He loves cheerios and crackers, so I am trying to give him those 2x's a day. I tried bananas (cut up ofcourse) this morning and he WAS NOT HAVING IT! He didn't even want to eat his regular food. He normally loves pears and sweet potato or carrots and apples, but not this morning. I think it might have been because of his runny nose??
Anyway, if anyone has any suggestions on how to get him to eat better, I would like to hear/read the comments.

Logan also got another shot yesterday and got his finger stuck for the anemia test. He did really well, but hated sitting still while they were getting enough drops for the test. He let out a good little cry for about 5 seconds when they gave him a shot, but he was fine right after. I prayed all the way home that he would sleep ok at night. Chris would be working all night and Logan had been waking up 8-10 times at night. THANK YOU JESUS! Logan slept really well. He woke at 2:30 and 4:30 and finally at 6:45. The only reason he woke up at 6:45 was because the electricity went out and it turned his white noise machine off. Normally he is up by 6, but I rather enjoyed some "ME" time this morning. I used the time to cut some fabric for a few reversible pillowcase dresses and then to pin some ribbon on some cloth diapers.
It was a GREAT MORNING and the day has been GREAT AS WELL!!!!!

I LOVE THIS BABY BOY and just HAD to put this picture on this post!!!!


  1. HE is just so cute! I love seeing pics of him.

    I don't really have any suggestions about how to get him to eat solids. It is my opinion that he may just now want them. I did not get Bailey to even eat solids until she was 8 months old. She just wasn't interested. She probably didn't eat more food until she was closer to a year old. I think as long as he is happy and doing the things he is suppose to then I wouldn't worry to much what the scale says. :) He may be holding out until he gets more teeth and can have some steak! HA!

  2. Have you tried yogurt with him? We used Stonyfield "Oh Baby" yogurt when they were little because it has extra "good" fat in it.
    Different pediatricians will say different things. Ours was of the mindset that a primarily formula diet until 12 months was a-ok. I would think that the dry cereal has less calories than the baby food but perhaps he is enjoying those because they are different right now, so I would probably back off on them and try to get more jarred food in him.
    My middle daughter weighed only 15 pounds at 9 months of age and neither of my oldest girls weighed over 20 pounds at 12 months. Like Janet, I think if he's moving around, is healthy, and such, I wouldn't stress too much over the scale! (I'm Janet's sister, by the way).
