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Thursday, March 17, 2011


HAPPY ST. PATRICK'S DAY!!!! I got this little shirt for Logan a while back and I am glad I remembered it! I think his expression says alot on the first picture... he finally woke up and was in a great mood after that!!!

My BEST FRIEND asked me to meet up at a park near where we live, so of course I wanted to get out since it was so nice. It was REALLY windy, but the sun finally came out and we had a blast. Her kids are older than Logan, but we got to visit and talk a little bit. My hubby got to stop by on his lunch break and hang out, too! I was so glad and of course Logan was happy to see Daddy!

Logan REALLY liked the swings. He was just chilling out and enjoyed relaxing as I pushed him.

I put Logan on this little thing and he enjoyed it, too. I was a little concerned he would fall through though since he does not sit still! LOL This is when my hubby showed up.

Logan enjoyed the slide but we obviously had to help him. He wanted to go himself though!

The last thing we did was put a blanket down for a snack and so that Logan could crawl around. He cracks me up! This time he actually got on the grass - but not much. I am sure its just a matter of time before he eats it or is rolling in it!

1 comment:

  1. Bailey loves that motorcycle thing at Harry Meyers. She calls it a horse though! HA! Fun pics. Glad you are enjoying your SB.
